A/Prof Amanda Gilligan
MBBS (Hons), BSc, PhD, FRACP Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill Dr Amanda Gilligan is consultant neurologist with 25 years of clinical experience…

A/Prof David Williams
MBBS PhD FRACPNeurologist Consulting: St Kilda Rd, Wangaratta, Bright Associate Professor David Williams is a highly qualified Australian neurologist…

A/Prof Patrick Carney
MBBS FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill A/Prof Carney practices in the fields of general neurology, epilepsy and neurological sleep disorders. He…

A/Prof Paul McCrory
MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FACSP, FFSEM, FASMF, FACSM, FRSM, GradDipEpidBioStats Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill, Wangaratta Associate Professor Paul McCrory is a consultant neurologist,…

Dr Katherine Buzzard
BSc (Hons) MBBS PhD FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill, Fitzroy Dr Katherine Buzzard completed her BSc (Hons) and a PhD in…

Dr Olga Skibina
MBBS FRACP Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill

Dr Poh-Sien Loh
MBBS FRACP NeurologistConsulting: Box Hill Doctor Poh-Sien Loh is a highly qualified neurologist with subspecialty training and experience in stroke and…

Dr Tharani Thirugnana Chandran
Dr Tharani Thirugnana ChandranBSc (Hons) MBChB MEd (Clin Ed) FRCP FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill Dr Tharani Thirugnana Chandran completed her…

Dr Trudy Cheng
MBBS (Hons), BMedSci, FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Knox Private, Box Hill Dr Cheng is a neurologist with subspecialty interest and training in…

Dr Will Lee
Dr Will LeeMBBS FRACP DMedScNeurologist Consulting: St Kilda Rd, Knox Private, Box Hill Dr Will Lee is a specialist neurologist…

Prof Chris Bladin
MBBS FRACP Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill Professor Chris Bladin graduated from Flinders University Medical School, Adelaide in 1984. He completed specialist…