What is concussion?

Concussion is a trauma-induced alteration in mental status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.

Confusion and memory loss are typical in concussion. The confusion and memory disturbance may occur immediately after the blow to the head or several minutes later.

What to do about concussion?

Close observation and assessment of the person over some period of time is necessary to determine whether evolving injury to the brain will lead to a confusional state or to the development of memory dysfunction.

Grading scales help to determine the severity of injury. Neuropsychology testing can provide an important measure of injury. Neurological assessment, guided return to play, return to school and return to work is fundamental to best treatment of patients with severe concussion.

Mild concussion:

Transient confusion (inattention, poor concentration, inability to process information), no loss of consciousness, and all symptoms resolve in 15 minutes or less.

Moderate concussion:

Similar to mild concussion, but the symptoms last for more than 15 minutes. Generally any symptoms that are present for more than 60 minutes warrant medical observation.

Severe concussion:

Any loss of consciousness and inattention, poor concentration, inability to process information. Generally a thorough neurological examination is recommended and consideration of the need for neuroimaging and observation by a medical doctor.

Specialists at NNM.

Dr Marco Fedi has an interest in sports neurology and is expert in traumatic brain injury.

All Neurologists practicing at Neurology Network Melbourne are trainined in the assessment of acquired brain injury and concussion. Including its diagnosis and management.

Our Neuropsychologists work with a range of authorities and clubs to provide expert assessments and management plans..