Consulting: Fitzroy, St Kilda Rd
Peter has been a consultant neurologist for almost 20 years. He graduated with first class honours in medicine from Monash University in 1991 and did his specialist training in neurology at The Alfred Hospital and The Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford UK. He received fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in 1999. He undertook research into acute stroke at The University of Edinburgh and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) in 2002.
On returning to Australia, Peter worked at the Royal Melbourne Hospital as Deputy Director of Neurology and Co-Head of the Stroke Unit until 2018. Peter now works at The Alfred Hospital Stroke Unit and Monash University.
Peter’s professional interests include all aspects of stroke, headache and medical education. He has published papers in medical journals in these areas and has presented the results of his research in stroke at major scientific meetings.
Peter has held senior roles in the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists as Honorary Secretary and Chair of the Education and Training committee, and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians as Chair of the Neurology Specialist Training Committee and member of the Overseas Trained Physicians Committee. He is the Clinical Lead of Safer Care Victoria’s Stroke Clinical Network and is passionate about the importance of effective communication and is dedicated to improving quality in medicine.
Outside of medicine, Peter is a dedicated family man with three children ranging in age from 20 to 3. He is a committed cyclist and enjoys travel, literature and red wine.