Among the group of doctros practicing at Neurology Network Melbourne there are a number of specialists who work in Emergency Stroke Teams at The Alfred Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital and Cabrini Medical Centre.

These doctors also assess and manage patients’ future stroke risk using the most up-to-date clinical trial information.

Cerebrovascular specialists at NNM

All Neurologists who practice at Neurology Network Melbourne are trained in the management of cerebrovascular disease.

Information about Stroke

Stroke (also known as cerebrovascular disease) occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is suddenly disrupted.  Arteries are blood tubes (vessels) that carry blood to the brain. Blockages caused by blood clots or plaques may stop blood moving through an artery. In other situations an artery may break or burst. These events cause damage to the brain, leading to symptoms of stroke.

Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) are temporary or brief strokes that do not cause permanent damage. TIAs are warning signs that lead us to assess risk factors for stroke.

What is a stroke? from Stroke Foundation on Vimeo.

Hospital Emergency Departments treat acute strokes and TIAs. Neurologists at Neurology Network Melbourne participate in on-call rosters for the urgent treatment of stroke at: Epworth Eastern; The Alfred; Cabrini Medical Center; Box Hill Hospital; and Knox Private Hospitals. We recommend expert care and prompt investigation for these conditions.

Your doctor will suggest treatments to reduce the risk of developing further strokes into the future. This will follow a series of tests to evaluate the brain’s blood supply.

Risk factors

These are factors that modify (increase) the risk of having a stroke.

  • Increased Body weight
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Family history
  • Smoking


Improvement of Risk Factors should be the number one priority of patients with cerebrovascular disease. Diet modification, exercise, quitting smoking and management of blood pressure are all achievable goals.

Treatments decisions are made after the investigations have been completed so that the brain’s blood supply is optimized.  Our doctors will prescribe a combination of treatments including medications to reduce the likelihood of further blood clots, and medications to improve the health of the blood vessels.

Web based resources

Information Sheets

Support groups & Information