Dr Tharani Thirugnana Chandran

Dr Tharani Thirugnana Chandran

Dr Tharani Thirugnana ChandranBSc (Hons) MBChB MEd (Clin Ed) FRCP FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill Dr Tharani Thirugnana Chandran completed her undergraduate medical training in the United Kingdom with a BSc (Hons) in Microbiology and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. She qualified from the University of Leeds and undertook postgraduate training in West Yorkshire in…

Trudy Cheng

Dr Trudy Cheng

MBBS (Hons), BMedSci, FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Knox Private, Box Hill Dr Cheng is a neurologist with subspecialty interest and training in Headache Medicine and Movement disorders. Dr Cheng graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2007 and completed her neurology training at Barwon University Hospital, Western Health and Alfred Health. She trained with the Headache Service,…

A/Prof Patrick Carney

A/Prof Patrick Carney

MBBS FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill A/Prof Carney practices in the fields of general neurology, epilepsy and neurological sleep disorders. He completed his undergraduate training at the University of Newcastle with a bachelor of science with honours and a bachelor of medicine with honours. He moved to Melbourne to pursue training in Neurology working at Austin…

Dr Katherine Buzzard

Dr Katherine Buzzard

BSc (Hons) MBBS PhD FRACPNeurologist Consulting: Box Hill, Fitzroy Dr Katherine Buzzard completed her BSc (Hons) and a PhD in cancer biology at the Peter Mac Callum Cancer Institute before embarking on her medical degree at The University of Melbourne, graduating with honours in 2005. Dr Buzzard undertook her neurology specialty training at the Royal…

Associate Professor Paul McCrory

A/Prof Paul McCrory

MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FACSP, FFSEM, FASMF, FACSM, FRSM, GradDipEpidBioStats Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill, Wangaratta Associate Professor Paul McCrory is a consultant neurologist, general physician and sports physician with particular expertise in the area of traumatic brain injuries. He is one of the few sports neurologists in the world with dual specialist qualifications both as a neurologist and…

Professor Chris Bladin

Prof Chris Bladin

MBBS FRACP Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill Professor Chris Bladin graduated from Flinders University Medical School, Adelaide in 1984. He completed specialist training in Neurology at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne in 1991 followed by a Stroke Research Fellowship at Guy’s Hospital, London and in 1992 a Stroke Research Fellowship at University of Toronto, Canada. He returned to the…

Dr Poh-Sien Loh

Dr Poh-Sien Loh

MBBS FRACP NeurologistConsulting: Box Hill  Doctor Poh-Sien Loh is a highly qualified neurologist with subspecialty training and experience in stroke and general neurology.His medical undergraduate training was at the University of Western Australia, where he obtained MBBS in 1992. He completed his internship and basic physician training at the Royal Perth Hospital.He had specialist training in Neurology at the…

Dr Amanda Gilligan

A/Prof Amanda Gilligan

MBBS (Hons), BSc, PhD, FRACP Neurologist Consulting: Box Hill Dr Amanda Gilligan is consultant neurologist with 25 years of clinical experience in neurology with areas of interest in stroke, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and general neurology. She is Director of Neurosciences at Epworth Eastern private hospital Dr Gilligan completed her undergraduate degrees at Monash University in 1989….